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Location: Liberia

Project Name: Comprehensive development of county-level WASH profiles and development plans

Developing comprehensive county-level WASH profiles and development plans that will guide the delivery of WASH services in Liberia. Specifically, BCG is: 1. Assessing the status of WASH services in each county, including identifying the county’s access to water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities, and the quality of these services. 2. Identifying the key challenges and opportunities for improving WASH services in each county. Developing strategies and interventions to address the identified challenges and capitalize on the opportunities for improving WASH services in each county. 3. Prioritizing and costing the identified interventions and strategies and developing a realistic implementation plan that considers the available resources and institutional capacities. Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to track the progress and impact of the WASH interventions and strategies.

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  • Duration : March 2023- February 2024
  • Client :UNICEF – Liberia Country Office

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