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Location: Liberia

Project Name: Sustaining Peace and Reconciliation through Strengthening Land Governance and Dispute Resolution

Conducted field research in support of an end of project perception study of the “Sustaining Peace and Reconciliation through Strengthening Land Governance and Dispute Resolution” project; conducted 623 household surveys, 43 focus group discussions and about a dozen leaders’ surveys across 4 counties, including Grand Cape Mount, Nimba, Maryland and Sinoe in March and April of 2023.

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  • Duration : March 2023- April 2023
  • Client :UN Women – Liberia Country Office
  • BALM Role :Field Researcher
Location: Liberia

Project Name: Sanitation Market-based Research

Undertook a sanitation market-based research assessment in six counties to understand barriers to the uptake of improved sanitation services and products. Produced a demand and supply analysis report to inform the design of new interventions in the researched counties.

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  • Duration : October 2022- March 2023
  • Client :United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)/Liberia Sanitation Market Consultant
  • BALM Role :Project Implementer
Location: Liberia

Project Name: Social Impact, Inc., for USAID DELTA Electoral Security Assessment

Undertook electoral security risk assessment in select counties in preparation for the October 2023 election.

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  • Duration : July 2022- October 2022
  • Client :USAID DELTA
  • BALM Role :Consultant/Liberian Subject Matter Expert
Location: Liberia

Project Name: The World Bank Group County Service Centres (CSC) Assessment

On behalf of the World Bank Group, We conducted an assessment, which involved collecting information on services offered by County Service Centers and the challenges faced by County Administrations across Liberia’s 15 counties. The data formed the basis of recommendations for improving the identification and documentation of services for citizens and licensing for individuals and businesses at the local level to be supported by the project under preparation (Liberia: Public Sector Modernization to Improve Service Delivery IPF (P177478).

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  • Duration : February 2022- April 2022
  • Client :World Bank Group
  • BALM Role :Assessment Consultant
Location: Liberia

Project Name: Climate and Ecosystem Smart Safe and Sustainable Food Systems

Supported Adam Smith International and Liberia’s Ministry of Agriculture to plan for Climate and Ecosystem Smart Safe and Sustainable Food Systems engagement and advanced ideas (including financing options) that constituted the basis for a new strategy towards a resilient and sustainable food system for Liberia that is economically sustainable along the entire value chain of each sub-system, provides sustainability social benefits to societies and communities and has a positive impact with respect to environmental considerations.

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  • Duration : February 2022- April 2022
  • Client :Adam Smith International (ASI)
  • BALM Role :Advisor, Rapporteur
Location: Liberia

Project Name: 5-year strategic plan for the Governance Commission

Developed the current 5-year strategic plan for the Governance Commission. The plan was developed along with a communication plan.

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  • Duration : December 2021- December 2022
  • Client :Governance Commission of Liberia
  • BALM Role :Strategic Plan Consultant
Location: Liberia

Project Name: Mercy Corps Covid-19 Secondary Assessment Study

Led technical works on the Covid-19 secondary impact assessment study. Accomplishments/deliverables from assignment: 1. Developed final research plan; 2. Produced data and field report from key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) 3. Produced draft report inclusive of data analysis, key findings, conclusion and recommendations and 4. Produced final report after incorporating inputs from colleagues and client.

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  • Duration : September 2021- August 2023
  • Client :ADARA Research Management Consultancy
  • BALM Role :Project Technician
Location: Liberia

Project Name: USAID funded sanitation market assessment in 5 counties

Served as Lead consultant for a team of Liberian consultants who supported the USAID funded sanitation market assessment in 5 counties. The assessment led to the award of a multi-million dollar sanitation intervention currently being implemented by PSI and a host of other institutions.

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  • Duration : March 2021- September 2021
  • BALM Role :Independent Consultant, Sanitation Market Assessment
Location: Liberia

Project Name: Education in Emergency (EiE) Project

Developed and fully digitized/automated tools for the Ministry of Education, Republic of Liberia to undertake rapid assessment across the country in preparation for the re-opening of schools post Covid-19. This initiative was a part of the Education in Emergency (EiE) Project. 1. Utilizing the EiE Project’s M&E framework the results’ framework, I developed and digitized a M&E template; 2. I developed a complete guidance packet for student assessment and 3. I developed draft Standard Operating procedures (SOP) for operating schools during an emergency.

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  • Duration : November 2020- December 2020
  • Client :UNICEF/Ministry of Education
  • BALM Role :Consultant: Assessment Software Developer for post-covid-19 re-opening of schools in Liberia
Location: Liberia

Project Name: Youth and Women Advancement of Rights in Democracy (RYWARD) project

Conducting a baseline study for the Rethink Youth and Women Advancement of Rights in Democracy (RYWARD) project.

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  • Duration : July 2023- August 2023
  • Client :Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
  • BALM Role :Research Consultant

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