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We are

Leaders in Consultancy


Since 2021,
Operating in Liberia.

BALM Consulting Group (BCG) is a subsidiary of BALM Group of Companies, Inc. BCG is a privately owned and legally registered Liberian management consulting firm that works with local and international actors in the development space across Liberia. The firm was established in 2021. Since opening its doors to the public, BALM routinely engages with the public and private sectors, implementing projects in governance, WASH, peace-building, gender, program management and local community development. Our Lead and Associate consultants are providing consulting services in research, surveys, strategic planning, program/project management, education, health and social protection. Our list of clients includes the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), UNICEF, UN Women, Adam Smith International, Liberia (ASI), the World Bank Group Liberia Office, Social Impact and different entities of the Government of Liberia among others. BALM has a wealth of experience using multiple methodologies to execute data collection, data analysis and high-level report writing. BCG collaborates with like-minded institutions and has a vast pool of professional expertise and competencies it draws upon from time to time. The firm has worked in each of Liberia’s fifteen (15) counties. Our team is dedicated, efficient, and 100 percent committed to our clients’ satisfaction.

We go beyond our range to satisfied our clients

/ BALM Consultancy

Our Firm

Stand Out From The Rest


Our Mission

Elevate the practice of employing data-driven research to make important decisions affecting the individual, cooperate and national well-being of clients. We provide quality services on a wide range of issues to a very diverse client-base and we do all this without sacrificing quality and timeliness.

Our Core Values

Our Core values are:

  • Integrity
  • Commitment to excellence
  • Hard Work
  • Dedication
  • Accountability
  • Inclusiveness
  • Diversity

Our Vision

BCG aspires to become a thought leader and knowledge producer in applied research; we are keen on discovering and advancing home-grown solutions that are contextually applicable to our different clients.


Integrity& Dedication

BALM Consulting Group (BCG) stands out as a distinguished Liberian management consulting firm with extensive experience and a track record of successful projects. Their impressive list of clients, including reputable organizations like USAID, UNICEF, and the World Bank, reflects their expertise and credibility in the development space. With a dedicated and efficient team, BALM is committed to ensuring their clients' satisfaction, making them a reliable choice for consulting services in research, program management, and various development sectors.

Contact us
Our Chief Executive Officer Profile

A Liberian governance and public sector professional with more than 15 years of extensive professional experience in governance, governance assessment and performance monitoring, public sector reform, policy formulation and analysis, conflict-sensitive development and peace-building program/project management and strategic planning. Matthew holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration with emphasis in Public Sector Management and also has graduate level training and certification from the Center for Justice and Peace-building at Eastern Mennonite University, where he studied Conflict Sensitive Development and Peace-building, Multi-Party Problems: Consensus Building and Conflict Resolution, Restorative Justice: The Promise, the Challenge and Capacity-Building in Local Organizations. In addition to these, Matthew is a graduate of Carlton University’s, International Program for Development Evaluation Training, Ottawa, Canada. He is a member of the International Development Evaluation Associations (IDEAS) . In 2020 Matthew became a consulting partner at ADARA Research and Management Consultancy, where he performed multi-tasks in evaluation, implemented survey design, undertook quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis, proposal development, conducted training, produced reports, and technically managed research projects The Consulting Team Lead previously worked as Senior Policy Analyst and Program Manager for Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Publications at Liberia’s premier governance policy think-tank, the Governance Commission. Matthew additionally served as monitoring and evaluation program manager for the USAID funded Governance and Economic Management Support (GEMS) project, Independent National Consultant for the United Nations Development Program (where he researched and produced information data packs on each of Liberia’s fifteen counties), provided programs and general administrative support for the United Nations peace-building Office/Peace-building Fund Secretariat (programming and supporting the implementation of projects financed by the first US$ 15 million given to Liberia by the Multi-Donor Trust Fund through the Peace-building Support Office in New York). From 2009 to 2010 Matthew provided programs’ support to UNDP’s County Support Teams (CST) project in Liberia.

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